Logitech Squeezebox Touch DAC: How Good?

Logitech Squeezebox Touch's are allegedly raining out of UPS trucks into the arms of new owners, as we speak.... or as you read this ;-)

NOW, advance word is that the analog out is a huge step up from it's predessor. It's alleged to have quite a good DAC.

How good?

Those of you with some experience on this matter - please speak up! It is stomping your Berkeley DAC? Empirical? Weiss? Peachtree? Cambridge? Devilsound?

(Is it listenable?!)

The world wants to know!

Art, I posted some initial impressions over on AC in the Bolder forum. Here's the link


The bottom line IMO is that the Touch analog out is very nice but the digital out is the keeper. Having said that the digital out into my Noble modded EAD DSP7000Mk.III is still not as good as my PDT3 into the same. Having said THAT :-), it blows away my modded SB3 and comes very close to being my primary "non analog" source. For the money it fights way above its weight.
Thanks for the note Tony, it sounds similar to my experience on the analog side. I'll check out your note.

To be fair to Dan, actually I'm real busy too so it's more that we need to find a mutually convenient time.

Can someone confirm that the Touch will do hi res 24/96 over USB? Currently, I am streaming AIFF files using iTunes from one Mac to another. Current setup looks like this:

Mac #1 (with iTunes library on external HD), which I access wirelessly from Mac #2 => external DAC => System.

With the SB Touch, I'd like to simplify this by connecting an external USB drive directly to the Touch. Setup would basically take the Macs and iTunes out of the equation:

External USB HD => SB Touch => DAC => System

So the question is: Will this setup do 24/96? Currently, it is my understanding that iTunes and the Airport Extreme wireless will only stream 44.1 Khz... The new setup would not be wireless, as the HD is connected to the Touch via USB.

As hi res downloads are becoming more popular I think it is wise to plan to accommodate these files.
I just transferred a 96/24 wave file from my PC to a USB stick and popped into the back of my touch. It takes a few minutes to figure out how to switch from your main library to the USB but when I had that part sorted out it lit up as being 96k on my Lavry DAC and the file played flawlessly.

I've only had the Touch for a couple of days but it has been streaming 96/24 wave flawlessly since I hooked it up. 96/24 FLAC files however have not been playing for me, they start out fine and then become slow and choppy sounding. I'm not sure if my router is too slow or if it's a software issue.

It is likely the case that the SD card slot will play back 96/24 no problem as well, I can test that out at a later date if anyone is interested.
UPDATE: Well I'm getting great sound via analog and even better via digital outs into a DAC, and the SDHC card (32GB) works great, and internet radio works perfectly, and connection to my Mac-based server is superb.

USB hard connection is very flakey, not quite ready for prime time.

And switching from controlling the player via direct touch to the Logitech-supplied remote and then back works fine, but switching to a player on my Mac is just about hopeless (perhaps I'm doing it wrong?).

Cannot comment on hi rez files, I only use music ripped from cd to Apple Lossless or 256 bit rate.

On balance I am thrilled with this thing and already bought a second one for the bedroom, and can see my days of owning a standalone CDP being numbered.

The functionality that works well is flat out spectacular.
