Speakers for vocalists

Just a short question on any suggestions on speakers that people think are particularly strong for vocal reproductions. Any suggestions are welcome.
Gregm...Did you know that the human voice has several vocal cords? In other words, not a full range driver :-)
Avantgarde Horns and tube amps. I have AG Duos driven by my tube amps (Verdier Control B preamp and valve psu and Quad IIs) and a vinyl front end (Platine Verdier, Schroeder model 2, Allaerts MC1B). Vocalists really ARE in the room with you. Listen to a well set up pair of AG horns and you'll be stunned by the vocals.
El -- good point! Problem, as always, is determining the right x-over frequency from one cord to the other. Indeed, recent studies have shown that these differ from one human to another -- hence making the choice of spkrs x-over frequencies a very personal matter... Cheers
Gregm...Maybe God knew what he was doing when he designed the human voice. Just joking, but it always surprises me how many technical "inventions" have parallels in biology.