Green Mountain Europas vs Dali Royal Towers

Anyone have a chance to compare these speakers? I've heard the Dalis and fell in love with their sound (they matched very nicely with an Arcam A65+).
Thanks for your advice everyone... I'd love to hear the Europas in action, but haven't yet found a place in Manhattan that carries them.

Also... should I be concerned about whether the Arcam A65+ is an appropriate match... or should I be looking at a different amp in that price range?
The Arcam should be fine. These speakers are being used in modest systems and very expensive ones. They sound great on most any amp. I've heard mine on everything from Citation to Arragon to my son's mini cd system's amp (basically a rack system) Never once heard them sound bad. Best thing is they make bad recordings sound pretty good, and they are an easy load for the amp. Not many speakers can do that for $1K. Good luck
Why not demo the GMA Europa's and make up your own mind. Roy at GMA is the best to work with and if you decide you don't like them, send them back. It is worth it for the sound you are searching for.