dear lord, i need help...

i'm on the hunt. moniters. i am interested in imaging, but bass extension is a must,(i might not be able to add a sub), so maybe we'll work with detail and pure reproduction. i'm in the thousand dollar range(maybe 1500 if need be). i'm looking at proac tablette, gma europa, norh, spica, spendor, revel, vr 1, moniter audio, sonus faber, etc etc. i am having a tough time nailing it down, pleae guys...sound off!
I've heard some on your list and the only standout was the vr-1. I wish I had the chance to hear the Spendors. I also listened to Totems. I'm quite happy with my NSM's however.
I am a monitor freak. I have had many including,

Joseph Audio RM 7si
Linn Tukans
Totem Dreamcatchers and Mites
Von Schweikert VR1
Tyler Acoustics Taylo Ref Monitors
AVI Neutron III
Neat Petites
Aerial Acoustics Model 5
Epos M12
etc, you get the picture.

I finally found some that I may keep forever. You should check them out: North Acoustics Spirits. They do everything right, probably the best I ever heard.
Check you will see a picture of my actual speakers, made for me upon order. George Short (owner) is a great guy and a knowledgeable speaker builder.

thats the stuff! i can't wait to listen to some of these! oh, btw, i am thinking of "upgrading" to norh le amp monos or monarchy monos fopr amplification. thanks again all!
I love my Reference 3A MM DeCapos. I stole them here on AudiogoN for $1000 for a perfect pair. I couldn't be happier. They replaced a more expensive speaker (from Muzikat's list!) and are better in every respect.

Plus, the DeCapos have one huge advantage over most other monitors. They are very easy to drive and can easily be powered by almost any amp. I've used them with as little as 1.5 watt/channel 45 tube amp and regularly drive them with my 3.5 watt/ch. BottleHead Paramour 2A3 tube amps. Currently I'm using 40 watt Channel Islands VMB-1 mono-blocks.

Bass is excellent for monitors. Great bass definition and extension. I love 'em!!
