B&W N803 VS Sonus Faber Cremona

I am a newbie, please offer your advice on whether you would recommend the 803 or the cremona. My wife and I mostly listen to vocal jazz; krall, monheit, n.jones and lately opera..
Our existing components: rotel 1066, 1095, planet 2k, n805. Possibly upgrade to integrated mac6900

Thank you very much in advance.
Jms_123, there will be two N803 speakers available in January, the N803D ($8000) and N803S ($5500).
Two very different speakers. I agree with Bigkidz on the generalities. If you feel that your current setup needs warmth, the SF and McIntosh will do it. If you feel it is fine, then stick with B&W. Chances are, if you like one speaker, you won't like the other. Good luck! Arthur
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. we originally auditioned the SF, my wife loves them; but due to our budget, we settled with the n805. It just recently that we wanted to upgrade, we auditioned the SF again over the weekend, they sounded excellent w/the above musics, we will most likely go with the SF. Besides the Mac, just wondering what type of integrated that is a good pair with the mac??? again, thx everyone in advance. Ken
The SF love power. Most of the time I have seen them paired with larger Krell mono blocks.