Single vs Multiple driver loudspeakers...

What are the pros and cons between Single Driver loudspeakers and multi-driver loudspeakers? The arguments with single driver loudspeakers are that their simplicity makes them easy to drive, plus the x-over-less setup improves dynamics, not to mention no phase problems. The thing I read is that no single driver can possibly produce the full range of sound, and most necessitate a subwoofer. On the other hand, multi-driver loudspeakers can offer a full range, but some say that more than one driver introduces phasing problems to some degree.

I have a multi-driver system that sounds great. How would a single driver setup improve my sound, if at all? And if single drivers are that much of an improvement, why are they harder to find(at least for me)?

I have also read that multi-driver loudspeaker more than often need to be paired with a high wattage amp because of the lower sensitivity, ranging from 89db and less, while single drivers loudspeakers are great for low powered tube amps because of their higher sensitivity.

Most of this, is what I have read, but never really heard.

Can someone educate me?
I've never seen very much on the Manger's although the design intrigues me. John Curl has made some very positive comments about these drivers and their potential, but once again, they are limited in terms of spl and extension. The articles that i have seen have suggested using multiple Manger's to get around this problem, which somewhat defeats the purpose of using a full-range driver. That is, the point source radiation pattern is lost with more potential for phase related cancellation issues. Sean
Manger has a pretty cool concept with their wave-bending transducer. It seems like it would have alot of interest, but the high cost might get in the way. The drivers cost quite a bit for experimentation purposes. Most of the info that I've read say that they are only good above 100Hz, and need a sub.
Sean & Twl- thanks for the feedback. The Mangers aren't that
much more expensive than the Lowthers, and with dual subs
and digital crossovers, I don't need response below 100Hz.
I'm just wondering if the high frequency response is better
than the Lowthers.
I've had the pleasure of hearing a pair of Overkill speakers that utilize a manger driver plus a conventional dynamic woofer. The manger driver sounds terrific -- very dynamic and clear sounding. The only significant downside was a touch of hardness (perhaps a narrow band peak of some kind)and severe beaming of high frequencies.

By the way, you can count me in the high efficiency/SET camp.