Am I crazy????? Try THIS

So my friend needs stands for his book shelf speakers. We can't find any in my little town. I had an idea, HANG THEM!!! They sound so much better. Why? Before you get crazy we didn't have to drill the cabinets or anything we just built a "harness" of sorts. It looks somewhat different, but for about $11.75 we hung both his speakers with braided wire and some eye screws etc. And they sound better to me. Anyone done this?

Absolutely the best way to locate speakers (from the acoustic point of view). Not popular with wives. Ignore all the talk about the speakers moving. They don't.
I think stability is the best approach.
Hanging them,you still will get vibration from the ceiling going down the wire to the speaker.
Try some cinder blocks.Different sizes avaliable.
I built some cinder block stands for a pair if dynaco A-1's I picked up for 5 bucks/pair.
The blocks are 6"x6"x18" high and solid,not hollow.Weigh a ton!
I painted them black,liguid nailed them to some 12"x12" ceramic foor tiles (for the base) I then put 4 round,wooden balls (walMart) under the tiles and put some blu-tak on the top of the blocks and speakers on top and have some very heavy and solid DIY stands.Total cost ~ $10/pair.
Xenithon & Eldartford, I find your certainty on this issue refreshing, I've always suspected as much but have paid hommage to the speaker manufacturers who supplied their speakers with spikes (over 20 years ago!) and gave that reason (smearing from speakers boxes moving due to the pistonic action of the woofers) for their use. They never even mentioned the benefits that many now attribute to spikes and isolation devices.

I have a question for you. Assuming the correctness of your statement, if you were putting speakers on an uncarpeted concrete floor (covered by vinyl or thin hardwood) why would you ever need a coupling devise, such as spikes? And, if you were putting the speakers on a suspended hardwood floor why would you use spikes if they served to transmit vibrations from the speakers to the floor which would then resonate and add to the sonic mix.

I guess I just don't know what the benefit of spikes must be, except when used thru carpets to creat coupling with the floor beneath. What I have noticed is that there are a lot of advocates for spikes and a lot of reasons why they work in all sorts of applications other than coupling thru carpet. I've never expirimented - I've always had suspended hardwood floors and chose to decouple the speakers. Whats the straight scoop here?
newbee spkes where designed to penetrate carpet. For bear floors use tip toes. this increases dramtically the pressure (PSI)seen by the floor making it much more difficult to vibrate the speaker.