Best subwoofer for Quad 988?

The rest of my friends gear is:

Pre amp - Goldmund Memesis 7
Power - Lumly M100 monoblocks
Phono - Nothingham Anlouge Spacedeck+ Annarm+ Shelter 901

Thank's for every input.
Another DIY project would be a pair of 15" Adire Tumults on a largish dipole baffle.You could run Bryston 7b's on each with a TL circuit to tailor the bottom end.That would be cool.3k or so.
Larry Greenhill of Stereophile uses a Velodyne DD-18 with his quads and says the integration is seamless. I imagine a DD-15 or 12 would work in a smaller room just as well.
If you do plan on a design other than your own, a couple of Vandersteen 2W will do fine.I used a pair with a pair of Spica TC-50's and the things just sang.Good luck.
I have no idea if they're still available, but something called a Gradient was designed to and did indeed match the sound of the Quad 63s. They may work well with 988s or have a version for the 988.