Best subwoofer for Quad 988?

The rest of my friends gear is:

Pre amp - Goldmund Memesis 7
Power - Lumly M100 monoblocks
Phono - Nothingham Anlouge Spacedeck+ Annarm+ Shelter 901

Thank's for every input.
Do a DIY project. I would suggest (4) 10" subs in each of two cabinets. The (4) drivers will be orientated from top to bottom in small sealed subenclosures. The cabinets will be made of 2" MDF on all sides.You can power each driver with one half of a Parasound 2200 mkII's.You will need two per side.A bryston crossover will do nicely.This system might set you back 5-6k but it will be your creation and no one else.Good luck.
Pro Musica in Chicago was using Sunfire subs with the 988s last year. No doubt an excellent combination.
Another DIY project would be a pair of 15" Adire Tumults on a largish dipole baffle.You could run Bryston 7b's on each with a TL circuit to tailor the bottom end.That would be cool.3k or so.
Larry Greenhill of Stereophile uses a Velodyne DD-18 with his quads and says the integration is seamless. I imagine a DD-15 or 12 would work in a smaller room just as well.