Semething to consider is the Linn Ninkas. They are 2k new, used they seem to be fairly rare, but you might get lucky. Very smooth and easy to listen to - very good for the money. They respond really well to bi-wiring/bi-amping; even with non-linn amplifiers - and I'm told if you go all Linn you can get some real magic out of these low-priced wonders.
I use them in two of my systems; purchased as a cost compromise initially - but here I am a year and a half later, with the same speakers. One of these days I'll upgrade one of the rooms, I'm sure - but I use two Ninkas, two Katans and an Ekwal center channel for my theater; and for well under 6k with a B&W ASW800 subwoofer I have a killer theater that would cost many, many times more money to drastically improve upon. Not to mention that these speakers are still fairly small - and NOT ported, which makes placement in my small theater room much easier.
Happy hunting - I think we are incredibly lucky to be able to plunk down 2k or less and have such a magnificent selection of fine speakers available to us.