Speaker choices, $1000-2000 Smooth & Musical


I am in the process of upgrading my speakers and would like to know what floor standing models I should began my search with in the 1K-2K range. I am interested in full range or near full range sound that is smooth and musical. I am not interested in anything overly analytical but would like a certain measure of transpancy and detail. Here is what I have looked into so far:

Proac Response 1.5
Proac Studio 250
Dynaudio Contour 1.8 MKII
Sonus Faber Grand Piano
Soliloquy 8.2

What are your opinions regarding my choices within this price range? Are there any other candidates I should look into? From my research so far, I am partial to the Proac's but would like advice from others who have more experience than I. Thanks in advance
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Semething to consider is the Linn Ninkas. They are 2k new, used they seem to be fairly rare, but you might get lucky. Very smooth and easy to listen to - very good for the money. They respond really well to bi-wiring/bi-amping; even with non-linn amplifiers - and I'm told if you go all Linn you can get some real magic out of these low-priced wonders.

I use them in two of my systems; purchased as a cost compromise initially - but here I am a year and a half later, with the same speakers. One of these days I'll upgrade one of the rooms, I'm sure - but I use two Ninkas, two Katans and an Ekwal center channel for my theater; and for well under 6k with a B&W ASW800 subwoofer I have a killer theater that would cost many, many times more money to drastically improve upon. Not to mention that these speakers are still fairly small - and NOT ported, which makes placement in my small theater room much easier.

Happy hunting - I think we are incredibly lucky to be able to plunk down 2k or less and have such a magnificent selection of fine speakers available to us.