Speaker choices, $1000-2000 Smooth & Musical


I am in the process of upgrading my speakers and would like to know what floor standing models I should began my search with in the 1K-2K range. I am interested in full range or near full range sound that is smooth and musical. I am not interested in anything overly analytical but would like a certain measure of transpancy and detail. Here is what I have looked into so far:

Proac Response 1.5
Proac Studio 250
Dynaudio Contour 1.8 MKII
Sonus Faber Grand Piano
Soliloquy 8.2

What are your opinions regarding my choices within this price range? Are there any other candidates I should look into? From my research so far, I am partial to the Proac's but would like advice from others who have more experience than I. Thanks in advance
>I am interested in full range or near full range sound that is smooth and musical. I am not interested in anything overly analytical but would like a certain measure of transparency and detail.

Paradigms are not that smooth. Not to a person who likes what Proac does.

The 1.6 QR and the LFT VIIIa are very demanding. While I like them both, let's just say it could be easy for either of them to sound not smooth at all.

Smooth and musical to me means Vandy or Reynaud. If might be a question mark whether they have enough detail for you...I love them. Proacs I've heard were a bit too precious for my American tastes.
Vandersteen 2ce sigs are smooth, musical, full range and have a very coherent presentation of all frequencies. These definitely should be on your list as mentioned above. Forgiving yet transparent and can be used with inexpensive electronics but will continually rise to the occasion with as much as you are willing to spend. Others are better in given areas but I haven't heard ONE speaker better across the board in this price range. An excellent value.
No question, you must add the Audes Blues to this list. You can get them new for $2200 or $2K. Used for $1200 or something.

I own these myself and absolutely love them. A steal. Honest to goodness.