What amp/amps to drive magnepan 20.1's

Just purchased a six month old set of M20.1's from a dear friend who left oversea's for an open ended work asignment.He had been powering them with a pair of VTL 450 mono's who he had promised to his brother. Question; I have a pair of bryston 7bsst's that i have been hoarding away in anticipation of the comming of my inherritance, and now i feel i can further my debt to income ratio by buying something else.
1.should i buy another pair of brystons and passive biamp ? active biamp with 10b bryston x-over ?
2.Sell the mono's that i have and get some used pass x600's or big mcintosh 1201's ?
3.keep the bryston mono's and put some big tube's on top end with brystons on low freq. with active x-over ?
I have about 8k. until i'm sonic'ly rich but cash poor Please help me before my senses kick in !!!
Hi, 20.1 are state of the art speakers,so they need the very best amps and preamp to drive them to reveal all musical details.So,either a pair of Pass Labs,600,or if you want tubes BAT mono 150 SE are excellent choices. Khai
BAT mentioned above simply will not work on those speakers no way no how. 2x that power isn't enough I'll say 450 watts minimum is required
Parasound JC-1s ($6k) work quite nicely with them, or do you prefer tubes?

I would take a look at the new startup company H2o Audio's amps. There are some reviews out from Maggie owners that are incredibly satisfied.
Why not hear them with the Bryston amps first and see what you like and dislike about the sound you're getting and then decide where to go? The Brystons are great amps that don't necessarily do anything wrong. So it'll let you figure out what improvements you want.