New Von Schweikert Models

I just got a press release from VSA showing the new VR4SR ($8K/pr) and VR9 SE ($60K/pr) that will be demoed at CES. Man I wish I was going, not only for this, but for everything else as well.
How do the new VR-7s sound? Do you like them? Could you please compare the VR-7 with others speakers.
I am using Manley 250's and the Steelhead pre. Audio aero CapitoleII and Nottingham Hyperspace turntable. They are the best sounding speakers by a good margin over what I have been listening to over the past 15 years. Other top end speakers I have had did always something negative. Some were too bright or had an excellent midrange and the bass was rolled off or too much bass, the usual caveats. The VR -7 seem to have it all correct and still be very musical. It is a big speaker with a BIG sound
I just returned from CES (1 day only this year) and had a chance to hear the dB99's, VR4jrs, VR4Sr, and VR9's.
I must say, the new 4Srs are stunning and considering the sonics,,, reasonably priced. "Best of Show" goes to VSA using the 9's (I did not listen to the 11's), set up in a 2pr multichannel configuration using EmmLabs, DartZel, etc. Kudo's to the VSA team AND supporting cast, in addition to the above mfg.'s,,, VAC, Oracle, Opera and several others. Spending the day visiting rooms displaying equipment housed in less than ideal listening environments, the Von Schweikerts were absolute standouts being the first and last rooms I visited. All models shown (spread over 7-8 rooms) were knockouts!

How did the Db99's sound? What gear was driving them? I am considering these speakers and would like your opinion.

I own the 99's,,, black piano finsih. Here's how I feel about them. When they arrive, pitch the boxes,,, you're gonna own them for a long time!

At CES the 99's were powered by Opera(Cyber series). Personally,,, I'm loving and using VAC,, the Avatar. I spoke with Kevin from VAC at the show and they are releasing a new product,, the VAC Auricle Musicbloc(monoblocks). Its a design adapted from the premium Phi 110/110 model. Its a Class A, direct-coupled triode front end that should offer terrific balance.
Used with the Auricle Preamp,,, it should be a outstanding performer. BTW I'm also using Herbie Audio "combat boot" footers(wood floors) under the 99's and Robert Lee's Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables and AZ's Matrix IC's.
