Help on some under $2500 speakers

Thanks for your help recommendations. I am looking for a pair of speakers for a 10x10 room to work with an entry level Naim amplifier. I am looking for a pair of "clean" sounding speakers that has good attention to detail, that actually is capable of focusing on bass.

My constraints are that (1) I am filling a small room, so I would prefer to stay away from something with a large footprint, (2) a good portion of my listening will be done at lower volume levels, and (3) given the limited power running through the amp, I'll need reasonably efficient speakers. I own a pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES speakers, now and my system needs more power to drive them properly.

The original reason why I purchased the Harbeths was that they "were supposed to be some of the best under $2500 monitors available."

The Harbeths are great speakers, truly. While the bass is accurate, I would like a speaker with fuller bass. Also, much of my listening is done at low volume levels. The Harbeths need a bit of volume behind them to optimize their true capabilities.

This is almost a straight end to end system - Naim CD, Naim / Chord cables, Dragon tape deck, and Naim speaker wire.

The Naim amp has always powered the Harbeth speakers.
Damn! Everything you have seems Excellent! I would hate to have this problem!
I tried out quite a variety of speakers and amps in my small room over the last couple of years, and ended up with the Reference 3a Dulcets partnered with the Naim Nait 5i. I am delighted with this happy combination. It sings for me. For my taste, the bass is plenty robust in a small room context, but I haven't had the chance to hear Harbeths. Much of my taste runs towards quiet listening, and to me this partnership opens up beautifully at modest volume.