B&W N802's and Room Size

I was just seeing if the bright minds here think that 802's would be too big for a 16x18 room. I currently have 804's, but have a chance to upgrade at a reasonable price.

They will be powered by a bridged MC162 on each speaker.
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No, actually that sounds perfect. My room is 13 X 24 with them and I am sure they would work well in some smaller rooms also.
No, the room size will not be a problem (my room is about the same size). But the amps won't cut it, I'm afraid. You need more power than 160 W/side. I run my N802s with VTL 450s and I need every last drop of power.

The N802s are very power hungry, they come alive at only louder listening levels, and a larger room also demands more power.
I could agree with Hgabert since I am using a Krell KSA300S with N802's. I wasn't thinking about the power needed but not that they won't sound great, it just depends on the music and listening level that is expected from them.
Thanks for your input guys. The MC162 is 320 watts when it is bridged, would this be sufficient?