vr4 Jr vs. B&W Signature 805

Just read a great review about hte vr4 jr. and everyone seems to love them hear. I'm using the above b&w and like them a good deal but wondered how they compare to the Jr? Anyone a b compare? I have no way of doing so.

805 Signatures now available as the new 805s,launched this month,they are basically the Signatures without the fancy finish,a lot cheaper in price also.
Prpixel, $2500.

I'd also like to add, for the readers, another opinion of the Signatures finish. I own the same finish as Prpixel had above, grey Tigers Eye, but my reaction is just the opposite; "regular" nautilus speakers, while very nice, pale IMO after owning the Sigs; I cannot express enough how much I like the finish on the Signatures. To each our own.
I have the Red Bird's Eye, one of the best looking finishes ever put on a speaker. Resembles some of the limited Steinway finishes. Is the new 805s the same speaker as the signature except for cabinet?
James, the main differences between the two are, the new N805S has a different (improved) crossover design and the beautiful Signature finishes are not available, obviously; so yes, they are quite close to one another in that they incorporated the Sig technology into them.