Hearing affecting soundstage

It's kind of suck that your hearing may be the biggest limitting factor to the percieved soundstage.

The high frequency response of my left ear is a lot better than that of my right ear, therefore the left soundstage is quite wider than the right side. This is most apparent with sound from the background of the soundstage such as a orchestra playing in the background.

Before, I always wondered why most of my CD's has mixing mainly on the left side until I found out about the flaw in my hearing.

Does anyone have the same problem?
As a result of 30+ years of playing drum kit and habitually monitoring from my right, I have a bit of high frequency roll off in my right ear. It can be really frustrating to say the least.

Tweaking the gain in the left channel a bit helps some, but spacial relationships are never what they used to be. The mix of most everything I listen to invariably feels slightly less dynamic and dull to the right. *sigh*
Although my HF sensitivity is degraded (flying airplanes was my downfall) I don't have any problem with soundstage. Maybe that's because my old ears are equally bad.

I have the same problem (intermittantly) due to my allergies. The hearing in my left ear comes & goes.
I did own a Rowland Consonance preamp that was the best pre I've ever seen for balance adjustment. You could push right or left balance, one channel would go up a click, at the same time the other would go down. The digital display showed exactly where you were at.
It was a breeze to use.....
I can't use headphones when the problem is extreme, it makes me wince!