Merlin TSM-MXs...First Impressions

I just received my MERLIN TSM-MXs about two weeks ago, and I can't stop raving about them!

First off, the customer service provided by Bobby P. is outstanding. I don't think I've ever had this level of service from any business, so this is truly appreciated.

Packaging was great. It took me about an hour just to get everything unpacked. And everything arrived unscathed.

The finish...a work of art! I wasn't sure how piano black would look since I had never seen this finish on a speaker. Well, I am truly impressed by the finish. It looks like the finish on a freshly waxed Bentley.

As for the speakers, the music coming out of them is magical. Prior to this I had been using Aerial Model 7s, and I think my TSMs sound better even though much smaller. The soundstage coming out of these little speakers is amazingly wide. The clarity and crispness is remarkable. I'm noticing details in songs I've never heard.

Anyone looking for bookshelf speakers or good quality speakers in general should look at Merlin.

My equipment includes:
the Merlins
Proceed AMP5
Marantz AV600 (soon to be replaced by Anthem's AVM30)
California Audio Labs Icon Mk II
Cables are MIT 2 bi-wire and MIT ICs
all powered by a Richard Gray's 600S
Now I remember. They are hybrids: tube input, S/S output. Thought they were out of business?
They've got a whole new line of "Statement" products, actually...very well reviewed, and I'm sure I'm going to wind up with their stuff once finances allow later in the year.
just remember that all of my speakers have a higher q and are damped to rid the speakers of distortion and resonance in all aspects or their design. they are very uniform and have a spot on tonal balance if used the way they were designed to be used. this means that to get the most out of them you would want to use a more relaxed and less damped sounding set of wires and electonics. i will use the word neutral here to describe the ancillaries.
take the biwire off and use my jumpers with one rc. i'll bet they sound alot better.
let me knwo.
Thanks to all for the wonderful feedback you've given. I've just recently gotten the upgrade bug (after about an 8 year hiatus), and the Merlins were the first thing I purchased. All of the other equipment I've had for years, so I'm sure there's a lot of better stuff out there.

I have a Classe CA-200 sitting around, and I'd like some opinions on how it would compare with the AMP5. I'll try out that combo this weekend and share some of my impressions.

I don't have much experience with tube amps since my system works about 50/50 music and HT (hence the AMP5), but thanks for some of the recommendations.

My next purchased is going to be a new processor, and I think I've narrowed it down to the Anthem AVM30 or the Statement D1 (opinions or suggestions welcome).

Bobby. thanks for the input on the biwiring. I've been meaning to call you regarding that exact question! :) I've been looking for some Cardas Golden Ref bi-wires, but I found a post where you said a single cable with your jumper would be just as good. What's you opinion on the Cardas Golden Cross bi-wire? I ask because I found a good deal on one. Thanks.