Differences between Watt Puppy 7s and Revel Salons

Can someone compare the sound of these two speakers? I am interested in nuances between them, bass response, resolution and speed. Thanks
I am a WP7 owner FYI:
The WP7's don't dip below 3.6ohm load so they are easier to drive than the salons. The wilsons are also physically smaller but probably heavier (170 lbs a side). I listened to both and felt the WP's to be the closest thing to a planar speaker with real dynamics. The imaging is amazing on the WP's! Tighter/quicker bass on the wilson but maybe a little more on the Revel's

The Revel Salons have tweeter controls which might be a benifit for equipment matching.

The big difference will probably what equipment you already own! Nice choises to have though.
I own 6.0's and Salons. The Salons are now rears in my surround sound system. I think they may be a bit smoother, but in every other way,(dynamics, bass accuracy, imaging, and realism), I prefer the WP's. I have tried them with both tubes and solid state (Audio Research Vt-100mkII and Krell PB-300) For me, the WP's are more emotionally involving, and the Salons are more clinical. The WP's seem much more resolving, but then again, some would call that "etched" ;).
Cytocycle, FYI, the Salons weigh 240 lbs. per speaker.

I am running the Salons in my system, but I have not had experience with the WP 7s other than having heard them in a brief audition at a dealer. So I can't offer any insightful observations about the differences between the sound of these two speakers.