Differences between Watt Puppy 7s and Revel Salons

Can someone compare the sound of these two speakers? I am interested in nuances between them, bass response, resolution and speed. Thanks
I am a WP7 owner FYI:
The WP7's don't dip below 3.6ohm load so they are easier to drive than the salons. The wilsons are also physically smaller but probably heavier (170 lbs a side). I listened to both and felt the WP's to be the closest thing to a planar speaker with real dynamics. The imaging is amazing on the WP's! Tighter/quicker bass on the wilson but maybe a little more on the Revel's

The Revel Salons have tweeter controls which might be a benifit for equipment matching.

The big difference will probably what equipment you already own! Nice choises to have though.
I own 6.0's and Salons. The Salons are now rears in my surround sound system. I think they may be a bit smoother, but in every other way,(dynamics, bass accuracy, imaging, and realism), I prefer the WP's. I have tried them with both tubes and solid state (Audio Research Vt-100mkII and Krell PB-300) For me, the WP's are more emotionally involving, and the Salons are more clinical. The WP's seem much more resolving, but then again, some would call that "etched" ;).
Cytocycle, FYI, the Salons weigh 240 lbs. per speaker.

I am running the Salons in my system, but I have not had experience with the WP 7s other than having heard them in a brief audition at a dealer. So I can't offer any insightful observations about the differences between the sound of these two speakers.
Cincy_bob, The Salon's shipping weight is 240lbs each; two WP7's are only 435lbs in shipping crates. I only mentioned the weight of the WP's because the flexibility of the top and bottom half allow a single person to muscle my watt puppies around, I didn't buy Sophia’s because moving a single 160lb speaker around with a fine finish is not a job for one. The Wilson is also ~7" shorter and 8" shallower and was friendlier in my listening room as they don't dominate the room physically. I was looking for a smaller full range speaker. If you have the room and don't care about size this is irrelevant.


The Salons are less sensitive requiring more power at 86dB versus 93dB of the Wilson, so if you have a low power amp is advised.

Reviews of each speaker if you place any faith in reviewers?

You need to listen to both if possible to pick your flavor

Room size is an issue. My room is 17ft x 22 ft. The speakers will be on the wider wall (22ft). I like the smaller size of the WP7s. Can they be placed closer to the wall than the Salons? Thanks.