Kharma 3.2 to MidiGrand Upgade???

Anyone have experience in upgrading from the 3.2 CRM enigma to the Midi Grand Ceramiques w enigma?

What improvements/benefits can be had and you've experienced? Very interested in what is possible with low powered tube amps, specifically Lamm ML2.1's etc.

On paper the Midis are more efficient. Are they easier to drive than the 3.2's or does their impedance dip more significantly than with the 2 ways? Also interested in feedback regarding room size, bass integration, etc.

I'm interested also in any comments regarding the new ceramique sub and if its necessary / integrates well with the midis. I am seeking to be able to reach realistic symphonic levels with content loaded classical music and heavy electronica.
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Since I have had my 3.2's I have been through a few different sets of electronics. It began with the Hovland preamp, and the CAT JL2.
An excellent system, with all the magic the 3.2's are capable of.
But of course I couldn't leave well enough alone, I replace the Hovland with the CAT Ultimate. Not as musical, and seem to have lost that liquid quality makes the Hovland so special. I then had problems with the JL2, and decided that I couldn't deal with CAT, and a 200lb amp. Which brings me to the Lamm 1.2 amps, and the LL2 preamp. The 1.2's are absolutely amazing. Very tubelike, with the tight bass of a SS amp. I think I'll stay with this system for quite a while to come.
Sirspeedy, thanks for the good comments. Yes, after a long day of listening at the 2004 Home Ent. show in NY, with rave-reviews posted everywhere & feeling like just about every speaker was an Emperor's New Clothes situation: too forced, tizzy, forward, or just plain abusive, I finally found happiness at the Kharma 3.2 room, which was none of those things.
Yeah, I think solid state has come of age, it just generally costs more for a high quality SS amp than a tube one. One things about the 3.2s is that, when you change an upstream component, cable or whatever, you really hear the difference, no blindfold tests necessary. This is not really a bad thing, as it actually brings out the best in the other parts of the system.

I am ecstatic to hear about your opinion of the Lamm M1.2's. I bought mine without auditioning, although it was highly recommended by another Audiogoner who originally was a Tenor/Kharma guy. Three reviews (if you can believe) have also been excellent. I just received the amps today, and I am expecting the Kharma Midi Grand Enigmas any day now. I can't wait to finally hear them for myself in my new dedicated room.

It's the old chocolate vs. vanilla thing, but I have to say that when I was auditioning the Kharmas and switched from the Nagra MPA (SS), to Tenor OTL and then Nagra VPA (push-pull), I much preferred the sound of the tubed equipment. I think it took me 10 seconds of one Coldplay song after changing to the OTL to realize what my preference was, although everyone is different. Edge gear was on my list of considerations, but like a lot of things I never got to audition it. I It is good to hear that the Edge NL amps work real well with the 3.2's, suggesting that SS can work as well as tubes with the Kharma line. Most Kharma reviews have concentrated on tubed equipment in the past for what ever reason.
When I auditioned the 1.2's, I went back and forth between them and the ML2's. I honestly felt that they were so close in their presentation. I was amazed that a (mostly) solid state amp could compare to a single ended tube amp.
Give them time to break in, and I'm sure you're going to love them.
Good Luck
Gentleman, you guys are spot on about the Lamm 1.2 Refs. Taking into consideration that this hobby is all personal preference in the end, I think that Paul Bolin of Stereophile absolutely NAILED his review of the Lamm 1.2Refs. For my money, I have NEVER heard an amplifier sound more "right" in my life. Yes, synergy and system matching are also of paramount importance. But, this amp gets to the soul and emotion of the music, it is balanced throughout the frequency spectrum and simply does not "show off" or call attention to itself in that "hifi" "look at me" way other amps tend to - it is so organically honest to the timbre of the music and so tonally truthful that, as Paul said, it is not made to impress your friends in a two minute demo but to savor over the long haul. It IS an improvement over its critically acclaimed predecessor, the M1.1. which I owned for 5 years. Right now I also have the Lamm ML1.1s in for audition and, although they sound great, the 1.2Refs are simply better and more neutral without any of the negatives usually associated with solid state gear. I too auditioned the ML2.1s and liked them a lot but decided on the 1.2 Refs. The M1.2 Refs also do not have any of that slightly dark character so many people accuse the former Lamm gear of - but they also NEVER have that glassy or glaring sound either. It is nice to come home again. My hat's off to Vladimir!

If any of you ever get to the Metro Detroit area, you have an open invitation to stop by and bring some of your favorite music! That includes you too Sirspeedy (even though I am one of those dreaded BIG Kharma owners and that lowest life form - a reviewer, no less!!) However, I PAY for my gear up front!