Best monitors under $5,000/system combos

I want to build a new system around a high quality small monitor. I'm thinking of the SF Cremona Audtor, the Dynaudio Special 25, or the De Capio MM i. I also want to keep the electronics small but high quality. I'm open to tubes, but prefer the simplicity of solid state.

I live where little gear is avaiable. We have an AR dealer who sells Pro Ac, and a Classe dealer who sells B&W. There is also a dealer who sells Bryston and PMC.

I'm leaning toward the SF speakers with Carey tube amps, or if I go solid state, the Pass 150.5 and a Pass preamp.

I know this is a very broad question, but if there is someone who can point to me in one direction or another (either to or away from something), I'd be grateful.

I listen mostly to piano music, opera, and chamber music of all sorts. Once in a while some jazz. I also listen to coral music of all sorts. Seldom any rock.

I just sold a system consisting of Bryston electronics, MG 3.6R speakers, a Oracle Delphi table.

Thanks everyone.

I, too, own the Harmonic Precision Caravelles. I did a review last year, that may help you out. Very serious speakers. Quite phenominal top to bottom. It's all my review They have been the talk of the past two audio shows, (Las Vegas and The Rocky Mountain Audio
Fest) from the audiophools who have had the good fortune to listen to them. No sub needed with these babies. peace, warren
Try Wilson Benesch Arc's. I've had them in my system for 8 months and love em.
I think there's a bit of confusion: are you looking to spend $5000 on the speakers alone, or the whole system?
I have not heard it, but it is my understanding that the recently released Dynaudio C1 monitor is superior to the Special 25 and the best stand-mounted monitor speaker that Dynaudio has made.

It costs more than the Special 25, but I do not know how much.
Thanks for the comments. To clarify, the $5K is for the speakers alone. Looks like I need to hear the Caravelles, which I did not know about before your posts. Everything I read and hear tells me that the Cramona Auditors are also very lovely. I can hear the CA's in Chicago. Can the Caravelles be found in the mid-west?