Best used speakers under $3,500?

I'm starting from scratch in a room that is 21 x 13 x 8, looking to create a system for both music and home theatre, with the music foused on jazz, classical and classic rock.

It's likely I'll spend under $3,500 for the front speakers, and to maximize value, I may buy used speakers from one of the many reputable sellers who list here. (after I chose speakers I'll buy electronics that match well with them)

I'm creating a list of speakers to audition. Already on the list is Von Schweikert VR-4 JR, which can be bought, used, within my likely budget.

What other speakers would you sugget I audition and what are your experiences with those choices?

Hi - I didn't mean to be too hard on private Audiogoner recommendations, because in general, they'll point in the VARIOUS right directions. To me, the trade-offs inherent in the recent "crop" of speakers in the under $5000 range are (in order of importance):

Resolution vs. Brightness - The cheaper (under $3000) new designs seem to err on the side of brightness, probably because it Sells in the showroom. Good example of this (IMHO) are the Gallo Ref III's. I suspect there'll be quite a few of these showing up here used shortly. Some people love 'em - their ears may be less sensitive to HF than mine? So they're worth a try, esp. very fun for Rock and most jazz. Personally, I thought they were horrendous for classical.

"Openness" vs. Imaging - There was a long thread recently w/ some very good info and discussion about omni-directional speakers such as Shahinian Obelisks (which would fall in your price range). It would probably be good to read that - but again, it's your tastes that matter. I prefer a sealed box, minimal baffle design that has pinpoint imaging - at the expense (according to some) of that live "presence".

Slam vs. Finesse - The VR4jr's are a ported Transmission Line design which give a lot of slam for the size (and buck). Possibly a good all-around choice for the combo of HT and 2 channel, Rock vs. Classical. But something about them, I dunno... a little too gimicky for me, with the rear firing tweeter, the need for lead shot filling, etc. Judging by the steady flow on Audiogon already, there seems to be a number people who change their mind on them after a few months. But a lot of people love them, too.

The Silverline Sonata III's and Vandersteen 3A Signatures recommended above are definitely both worth considering for 2 channel. I personally find the 3A's a bit "boring" - very smooth and coherent, but somehow not that engaging and probably not a great HT choice.

I'm not into HT at all, but I'll tell you if I was going to set up a contemporary combo HT/2-channel system on a $3500 budget, what I would probably start with at the top of my list:

Joseph Audio RM25 MK2 speakers and a REL Strata or Storm III sub. Crank the sub up for movies, drop it back down or just turn it off for real music - or splurge for RM33's and forget the sub!

Of course, you should ignore my opinions just as much as everyone else's....

My speakers are placed on the short wall, 42” from the front wall and 16” from the sidewalls. I ended-up spreading VR-4jr about 9 feet apart in order to get decent center image.

My room is 11’ 8” wide and 29’ long, where the kitchen counter top and hanging cabinet divide the length of this room and create the family room length of 18’8” from the front wall to these cabinets.

I sit approximately 13’ away from the front wall. My left wall has a 120” window and the right wall has French doors leading into to huge living room. As you can tell from my room dimensions, I’ve audio unfriendly room.

It took me about 2 months to break-in my speakers and about a month to correctly position them. 50 pounds of lead shot, speaker spikes and bi-wiring is a mandatory requirement. Beware, it’s an expensive hobby, once I was able to position them correctly I knew right there and then that I had to upgrade the rest of my electronics just to keep-up with VR-4jr’s performance.

Best regards,
The Tyler Linbrook Signature System speakers can be had for about $3,500/pr. I have found them to be particularly good on Classical, Jazz, acoustic guitar and female vocals... They have plenty of low bass, getting down to 25hz with ease, and feature all top-notch Seas Excel drivers.

Great looking and sounding speakers... Mine aren't going anywhere.

Spendor SP1/2, Merlin VSM-MX, ProAc Response 2.5, Harbeth 5 - all of which can be had for far less than $3,500.00 and all of which are musical reproducers as opposed to accurate sound transducers. I'll go for music over transduction any day.
At $3,500 used, you might be able to get the Vandersteen 3A Signatures with two pairs of their 2wq subwoofers. The addition of the subwoofers would extend the frequency range a bit,improve the midrange clarity and dynamics of the main speaker, and allow your amp to better control the main speakers (the 2Wqs have built-in 300 Watt Amps to produce those power hungry low notes). Note, they are not artificially boosted in the midrange to create false presense. If you are used to hearing speakers that have boosted mid-hi's you may mistake this for a soft, "boring" sound - they are actually accurate.