Best used speakers under $3,500?

I'm starting from scratch in a room that is 21 x 13 x 8, looking to create a system for both music and home theatre, with the music foused on jazz, classical and classic rock.

It's likely I'll spend under $3,500 for the front speakers, and to maximize value, I may buy used speakers from one of the many reputable sellers who list here. (after I chose speakers I'll buy electronics that match well with them)

I'm creating a list of speakers to audition. Already on the list is Von Schweikert VR-4 JR, which can be bought, used, within my likely budget.

What other speakers would you sugget I audition and what are your experiences with those choices?

Hi Jonsher,
Yep, there is a person who has the exact same speakers (Tyler Linbrook System) and is in NYC... His name is Mark, and you can find his email on the Tyler Acoustics web page ( If you go to the upper left hand corner of the home page screen, there is a link called "Home Demo Program."

This is a new program (that I just joined myself) that allows prospective buyers to go to a volunteer Tyler speaker owner's home and hear their speakers for a home demo in a "real world" setting. The list of names, locations and email addresses are on the page the link points to. Just look for Mark's name on the list (or New York City).

All you have to do is email Mark, and you can work out all of the details as to when you would like to listen.

Good luck, and please let me know what your impressions were after the demo (both the good and the bad...). :-)

My thoughts are that the best value in used speakers under $3,500 are Thiel CS3.6's. Of course, you should be able to get them for a good bit under that. I have them in my 2-channel/HT system, and I use a Thiel SCS3 for center channel. Currently, my surrounds are an old pair of AR TSW-110's, but I am thinking of either two more SCS3's or PowerPoints. In my opinion, Thiel speakers do well on either 2-channel or HT.

Totem and ProAc would probably make my short list, too.
"Vandersteen would NOT be my choice for HT. In DVD playback, they have an unusually recessed sound in direct comparison to the other choices mentioned. Also the soundstage changes as you move in a room in a way that other choices do not. "Sweet spot" is truely that for these speakers".

I do not experience this at all. Would not the "recessed" sound you refer to occur during stereo/music playback as well? I experience no "soundstage" changes either. Why would you "move" in the room while your watching a DVD/movie anyway?
Sorry. Didnt mean to offend at all. It isnt that one person would be moving; its that many people would be sitting in different places. The audio experience is quite different with the Vandys depending on where you sit. Soundstage tends to be much more consistent with alternative speaker choices.

Some poster above described these as "boring". I do not agree with this adjective but on direct comparisons; live concert DVDs dont sound live, and action movies and their requisite explosions and cross speaker motor chases just arent as enthralling or involving. Vandersteen is designed for music lovers; HT just isnt the strong suit, including the center channel. Doesnt mean they arent a great choice for music.
Rysa4 - Sorry too if I came off as offended. I'm just one of those Vandersteen owners who, in my HT, do not hear these deficiencies/nor feel "uninvolved". I've owned my 3A Sigs since November 17th, 2004 - and have NEVER been more involved in my listening - the five pounds I've gained sitting on my a$$ will attest to that!

When it comes to HT, I'm probably not as critical as some, and am way happy with the 3A's output. Were my Paradigms better at HT, dont't know as I never compared.

Interesting as well is the several "pros" out there who love the Vandersteens in their HT setup. We all hear different things, why its great there are sooooooooooo many choices.

Regards, David