16 ohm speakers: Pros & cons

What are the advantages and disadvantages to 16 ohm speakers?
Ohm rating is not an indication of goodness or badness, it's a measure of driver efficiency.
A 16 ohm speaker will take more amp power to drive.
Pros: They work well with tube amps that have high output impedances. Especially most OTL types.

Cons: They will not play as loud with solid state amps that have lower power output into a high impedance load.
Snofun3: "Ohm rating is not an indication of goodness or badness, it's a measure of driver efficiency.
A 16 ohm speaker will take more amp power to drive."

Right, wrong, and wrong.

Absolutely, nominal impedance is NOT a qualitative measure of a speaker system.

System impedance is NOT an indicator of speaker-system efficiency or sensitivity.

High-impedance systems generally consume LESS amplifier power.

I think Twl correctly stated the meaningful differences.