Without being argumentative about anything, I'd simply(and predictably) recommend trying a set of Audiopoints under your speakers, and compare them to the BrightStar stuff, or whatever you like, and let the winner dictate the purchase. If you need to protect the wood floor from the sharp points, we offer "Coupling discs" which will do the job.
We, at Starsound, offer a 30-day money back guarantee of satisfaction, with no questions asked if you don't keep them. Full refund, except for the $7.50 Priority mailing cost.
I'd like to compliment Barry on his availability of scientific charts showing the effects of his vibration control system. It was not clear which product was tested there, but it is a very nice display of the fact that vibration control has definite effects that are measurable.
Unhappily, I cannot produce any test charts for our products. But, our products have received awards for performance from publications who tested them, and we have an excellent consumer acceptance over 16 years of producing the same unchanged product(Audiopoints). We rely on the consumer's ear to determine what is best for their application.
Regarding my point-of-view on resonance control, I adhere to the "Resonance Energy Transfer" approach, which provides an "escape path" for the vibrational energy to be routed to ground and dissipated there, instead of the "local damping" methods described by Barry above. Each method has its proponents, and both methods can be effective to various degrees, but may have different sonic effects due to the technologies employed.
Some people may prefer one type, while others prefer the alternative. For example, I just took in a Bright Star Rack of Gibraltar(top of the line product) on trade toward our Sistrum SP-4 from a customer, and he proclaimed "no contest, the SP-4 was the clear winner". Doubtless, Barry has had similar experiences where his rack proved out to be a winner.
So, as you can see, there are differing opinions on this subject, about what works best in different applications, and sounds best to people with different listening tastes.
We simply provide a way for the customers to test in their own homes, to see what they like best. We feel that is a fair way to do things, and it lets the customer be the judge. We put our "money where our mouth is" with every single customer, because everything we make has the money-back guarantee of satisfaction, lifetime warrantee(transferable), and we have 16 years of track record to back it up.
Nobody ever "gets stuck" with a Starsound product. If you don't like it, for any reason, we take it back for a full refund within 30 days(less shipping).
Again, I'm not trying to cause dissention here, just presenting my point-of-view as a manufacturer's rep, and letting the chips fall where they may. Please feel free to email me with any questions, or to discuss.