Proac 2.5's-something not quite right- ideas?

Ok Audiogoners I've just recently required a pair of Proac Response 2.5's.
My system is Ayre CX-7,Ayre AX-7-using custom made balanced interconnect (tried Cardas Golden Ref.happy with this)and Vantage Marina Speaker cable(bi-wire)-my old speakers were Proac Studio 150's.
My sound before was excellent-worked with my wide musical tastes,subtle and detailed when required and enough oomph when playing Rock or Electronica.
Typically I though my speakers were the weak link and have always wanted to hear/own 2.5's.

What I am hearing with the 2.5's is a jump in scale of presentation and more air/detail around instruments,on certain recordings it sounds really great on others something is missing,the smoothness and clarity I associate with the Proac sound.
The second problem is the scale of the bass,it may just take adjusting to and whilst it doesn't sound overpowering in terms of the overall recording (vocals/details etc. are still there)it really does seem too much for home listening-more like a gig or club experience.
If I put the 150's back in,the bottom line is they sound more musical overall.

I don't believe it's my room which is large-18 feet wide by some 30 plus feet long-I have 3m high ceiling -whilst speaker placement makes a slight difference (I've been messing about with that)it is not a major influence on the general effects.
I've also tried ceramic tiles on my carpet with the speakers on top-again not a major difference.
Everything in my system has been checked-the speakers are set up per instruction and the replacement effect of the 150's proves nothing is amiss imho.

I have several theories as to what might be wrong-the only previous owner only listened to Jazz and Classical and not at as loud levels as I do-the speakers have not been used in the last two years.
So if run in/break in is a factor (I've only got about 8 hours on them)can I expect the missing resolution to come into focus?
Can I expect the bass driver to change?- since perhaps it has never been fully tested with fast/deep modern bass.
Does my increased listening volume mean more break in was required anyway?

My biggest fear is the scale of the 2.5's is not to my taste and that they are so revealing that I am hearing a grain in some recordings that I didn't hear before.

I've read enough about these speakers to know some how I'm not getting what I should and I instictively know on many of the tracks and CD's I'm playing that I am not getting the enjoyment I was before despite some more space and detail.

Hello Ben
I have been following this thread with interest as a former
owner of Proac 2.5's, I usually dont get involved, but here goes.

I bought my pair brand new in 03 from a bay area dealer, and was able to follow them thru the break-in process, they were very good right out of the cartons, and gradually
"matured" over time,and of course, the overall presentation improved as well. The only way to break them in of course is to play them, especially if you can get them up from a cantor to a gallop for a while, while staying within your amps limitations of course, dont push them hard tho.

I have listened to them in three differant sized rooms, the largest being simular to yours except 18'x18'. They
work well in a large room, except the low end of course
loses it's stature as the square footage increases.

The 2.5's also like to be out in the room, away from the
rear wall, they even sound great well away from the rear
wall. I also suggest, that you "toe up" the front end by
adjusting the spikes to where the front of the speakers
is about 1/2-3/4" higher than the back. That will improve the overall presentation,imaging, soudstaging, etc....

What I find interesting is your comment about the scale of
bass, givin the size of your room, the bass output should be more on the inadiquate side, and not the "club experiance" Haveing owned them myself and knowing how they
sound, it sounds like you prefer a lean sound to your music.

Have you tried useing the port bungs? That's one thing that
might bring you closer to the response you like. The 2.5's
are a fuller sounding speaker than the studio, and the bungs will dampen the bass output. These should have come
with the speakers.

One last thing I wanted to add, the 2.5's do have a slight
grain to them. It's more apparent with well recorded music.
I especcially noticed this when I purchased a pair of Totem
Mani II's and compared the two speakers.

For what it's worth, the Mani's embarresed my beloved Proacs. No grain, beautifully open and clear, well defined bass, the bass response from the 2.5' is anything but well defined. The Proacs sound great untill they are compared to a more refined speaker, thats why I am now a former owner.

I guess again the reason I stated the club like experience is down to the recordings-I have a few where the bass and mid-bass is just seriously in your face.

The reason I think is simple the tracks were recorded like that but the difference from the 150's to the 2.5's on this is very big.
Charliee, What electronics are you using? I think the "grain" you heard from your 2.5's was from somewhere else in your system. The Proac is a more revealing speaker than the Totem.
Theta Dreadnaught amp, Supratek Syrah pre amp, VPI Aeries
table with Graham arm and Shelter 501 cart., Cary 306/200 cd
player. 4 runs of Harmonic Tech. Pro 9 speaker cable, Ridge
Street Audio interconnects, etc...

The Mani II's are easily more resolveing than the 2.5's. When I put a pair of W.E. 350b's in the Syrah the Totems really showed their stuff.

I am not trying to put down the Proacs, I loved those speakers, thats why I bought a brand new pair. I intended to keep them for a long long time. But when I compared the two,
it was no contest, I took the loss on the Proacs, and kept
the Mani II's.

Getting back to Ben's ProAc's. Your room does not compare to Charliee's. Your room is 18x30 with high ceilings vs 18x18. You have considerably more cubic feet. Just because you are getting the volume you need does not speak to the amount of loss your experiencing. I really do believe that the room is the issue. The ProAc/Totem discussion was interesting. ProAc's are one of the finest speakers I've ever heard especially mated with Naim gear. I haven't the pleasure of hearing Totem's, I will now make it my business to.