Only three manufacturers?

Playboy March issue states that speakers should reproduce the frequency, timing, and amplitude of the original sound. They state that most speakers get frequency and amplitude correct but only 3 manufacturers get the time coherence right: Vandersteen audio, Thiel, and Meadowlark audio.
What do you think about this comment and if its true are there any more manufacturers that get all 3 parameters.
Much overhyped, IMHO (I'm an ex Thiel owner as well as a user of Quad's). But if you think you can hear the difference, its important to you, and you like the sound that these speakers bring to your room, why not!
The only way a non-expert can attempt to gain validity is to make a statement sound valid. The world is full of unknowing experts. My old football coach used to say "Opinions are like a**hole*, everybody has one". Obviuosly the author of the Playboy article hasn't listened to too many speakers.
i agree theo- just thought i would see what kind of response that article would bring out
Consider the source. Why should anyone give credibility to a statement like this in Playboy?