Very Small Desktop Speakers

Can anyone give me advice on small to very small speakers that could sit on a desktop? I have moved to a new open office situation where I have walls but no ceiling so my old Plinius 8200 and B&W 805 speakers are just too instrusive to some the others around me. My source would be my Apple powerbook or maybe a small CD player. Let's face it, sound quality is not the most important issue but size is. I was thinking of a Sophia "Baby" amp or something equivalently small--so speaker efficiency is also a consideration.
thanks for the tips in advance.
I just bought some small Paradigm speakers for about $250 for my desk. Sound just fine to me - they are warm and not etched. Solid mid-range. Good build.
I owned Monsoon flat panel computer speakers with my G-4 Mac and they were incredible. The Monsoon company is out of business but you can find them on Ebay and once in awhile on the Gon.

I have a pair of Acoustic Energy Aesprit 301's that are designed to be surround speakers but the lack of a rear port makes them ideal to put on the corners of a desk against a wall. They're beautifully made, with cherry cabinets and very compact. They sound wonderful as the replacements for the original speakers in a TEAC 'executive' system.
I'm very interested in this thread. I'm trying to find some speakers for my desktop and the audiophile in me keeps ratcheting up what I'm looking for and the bean counter in me says something reasonable. There is a guy on Soundstage who recommends the Ref. 3A Dulcet but that seems a bit extravagent. I was wondering about the Omega 3's. They are efficient for your needs if not exactly small. Others have recommended the Boston Acoustics micro speakers and NHT Super Zeros. My Aego 2's are small but include a subwoofer and are decent. I'd just like to do better than that.
Try Blue Sky. I have not heard the media set but, the reviews are very good and one person who posts quite often on these Audiogon discussion threads sells them. I like what I read about them.