Best Speakers below $1000 for my needs

I currently have a sony STR-5000 ES fed by a Toshiba SD-9200 for DVD-A and a Denon 2910 for SACD. I'm looking to upgrade my speakers and I have $1000 to spend. I'd like to stick with monitor size, unless there happens to be a great deal on some towers. I'm looking at B&W's, M&K's, and Dynaudios. I have expereice with Dynaudios from my days as a recording engineer and I really love their sound, but I have heard very good things about B&W's and M&K's.

I listen to everything from jazz, to rock, to dance, etc. I still produce trance/jungle albums so I'd like to be able to monitor some of my board mixes in my living room after working on them in my project studio. So I'm really looking for a well balanced speaker. I'm looking for imaging and resolution more than strong bass.

What would you all suggest?
Thanks for the info guys. I really like the looks of both of those speakers. But, what are your opinions on the 3 I listed? M&K, B&W and Dynaudio? do the europas and criteron's handle home theater use?
Out of your three in your original post, having sampled all three brands fairly intently, I'd go with the Dynaudio Contour 1.4s. ( They were at 1.3s last time I auditioned them.)

The Green Mountain Callistos I listened to at CES were awesome, although one poster described the midrange as muddy ( I disagree). The Europas are in the same family.

Looking more at your post, the word that pops into my mind is "Genelec" BTW. Not below 1 large though. I think they make some midfield products these days. NHT has some nice studio monitors as well that would serve your music listening needs too.
Dynaudios. You can listen to them for hours of great enjoyment and still want more. Its the tweeter and mid-range quality. Good luck.
I like the Dynaudio's.
Especially the fact that they use a huge voicecoil (3" in most woofer) to handle power, heat and dynamics. Sweet tweeter as well. I wish they hadn't pulled out of the DIY market.