Cinematic_systems...In a passive crossover, power does indeed "go to ground", but it goes through the drivers, which is the whole point of the thing. The power "wasted" by notch filters is minimal, unless the drivers are truly aweful.
The 10 AWG air coil inductors in my MG1.6 have about the same resistance as the original iron core inductors. This is why most speakers use iron core inductors.
When estimating the broadband signal equivalent to two bandlimited signals, the usual approach is to do an RSS. For example...
100^2 + 60^2 = SIGNAL^2
SIGNAL = 117
If the two band limited signals are equal, the equivalent broadband signal is maximized at 1.41 times the band limited signal.
However this assumes that the two bandlimited signals are uncorrelated, and this is not typical of music, where loud low notes are often simultaneous with high frequency harmonics, not to mention cymbal clashes.
As to tweeters burning out...I guess that some may be huskier than others, but I just took out two SEAS Excel T25CF-002 Millenium tweeters with about a three second burst of noise due to an interconnect problem. And these tweeters were not driven directly from the amp, but rather through a passive crossover. However, replacement voice coils are available, and Madisound even installs them for free. This suggests to me that blown out voice coils must be quite common.
The 10 AWG air coil inductors in my MG1.6 have about the same resistance as the original iron core inductors. This is why most speakers use iron core inductors.
When estimating the broadband signal equivalent to two bandlimited signals, the usual approach is to do an RSS. For example...
100^2 + 60^2 = SIGNAL^2
SIGNAL = 117
If the two band limited signals are equal, the equivalent broadband signal is maximized at 1.41 times the band limited signal.
However this assumes that the two bandlimited signals are uncorrelated, and this is not typical of music, where loud low notes are often simultaneous with high frequency harmonics, not to mention cymbal clashes.
As to tweeters burning out...I guess that some may be huskier than others, but I just took out two SEAS Excel T25CF-002 Millenium tweeters with about a three second burst of noise due to an interconnect problem. And these tweeters were not driven directly from the amp, but rather through a passive crossover. However, replacement voice coils are available, and Madisound even installs them for free. This suggests to me that blown out voice coils must be quite common.