Cinematic_systems...Whoops! You are right that in a second order or higher passive crossover some power is "dumped to ground". For example, for the woofer, after the inductor rolls off the highs, a capacitor to ground rolls them off further. However, I don't believe that the "dumped" power amounts to much, as the "dumping" starts near zero at the X/O frequency and increases at 6 dB/oct, but working with an input that is already rolling off at 6 dB/octive. Perhaps there is an EE out there who still remembers how to calculate the "dumped" power in a second or third order crossover. Fourth order would involve a second "dump".
If Sean is right, and we all got rid of passive crossovers, perhaps the global warming problem would be solved.
If Sean is right, and we all got rid of passive crossovers, perhaps the global warming problem would be solved.