Installing Bucket Magnets

Hey folks, im getting ready to install some Bucking magnets in my JM Lab 707s and a pair of Velodyne Subwoofers in order to shield them for the TV.

Looks straight forward, epoxy the magnets to the rear of the drivers.

Has anyone done this before? Any complications you have come across that i should know? Any advise?

Why not obtain some mu-metal and install a layer inside the cabinet on the side facing the TV? Minimal changes to driver parameters, less loss of internal space than large magnets ( which nobody else mentioned and will change the tuning of the box ) and probably more effective overall.

One question though: Why are your speakers ( other than a center channel ) and subs so close to your TV that they cause problems? If the speakers are that close together, there's no need for a center channel as there is no separation from left to right as it is. Even with the 55" RPTV that i have, there's not quite 48" from side to side. While a larger TV would space them further apart, even 5' is too close together for stereo, let alone HT use with a center channel.

My guess is that you would benefit more from re-positioning your speakers than doing anything else to the system. The good news is that this is free and completely reversible if you don't like the results. Sean
Albertporter, the answer to that is pretty simple. I never heard of it. (LAUGH)
I had a thread out a while back asking about shielding, and the only response i got was Bucking Magnets, figured that was about it. LOL

Im looking on the net, not coming up with anything too solid on it though....... you know any dealers for this off the top of yer head?

Albertporter, the answer to that is pretty simple. I never heard of it. (LAUGH)
I had a thread out a while back asking about shielding, and the only response i got was Bucking Magnets, figured that was about it. LOL

Im looking on the net, not coming up with anything too solid on it though....... you know any dealers for this off the top of yer head?

there it is
Sean, see above post to elartford about speaker placement.... on my virtual system, you can see where they are, any closer and they start messing with the picture. any further out and one will probably get knocked downstairs and the other will be in front of the door to the garage. (LOL)

Honestly, i hardly use the crappy center speaker i got when watching movies, normally i just run phantom mode which works fine for me, the imaging on these really does get the dialogue dead center. Well, unless yer pretty far off axis, but damnit, when i watch a movie im in the sweet spot, everyone else can just deal with it. =)

Mu Metal? Never heard of it but i will definatly explore that possibility as well! Thanks for the tip!

Im not absolutly sold on Bucking Magnets, That was all i got though in a thread i put out a while back about how to do it. So i figured that was the only real way.

Ill hit the net looking for Mu Metal as well, any rec's on a good dealer?

I know that Michael Percy sells some shielding kits, but i don't know exactly what he offers or how expensive it is. Doing a search on the web might turn up some "non-audiophile" suppliers with both a wider variety and slightly better pricing. Sean