Vandersteen 5 and 5A owners

Are (were) you using your 5 or 5A's using the balanced XLR-type high-pass filters or the single-ended RCA-type? Wondering the difference in terms of performance, especially if anyone has compared the two in the same system.
If your preamp and amp are truly balanced, then better performance will be achieved using the XLR(especially noise cancellation.) Otherwise, use single ended. Just remember, just because an amp or preamp has XLR connectors doesn't mean it is truly a balanced design.
using 5's with jc-1 amps and cj prem 16-2 with rca cross-x with absolutely zero noise at any level. cannot compare the two terminations,but how can you do better?
Part of my inquiry stems from the fact that I recently had my McCormack DNA-225 upraded to Platinum status by Steve McCormack. As part of the upgrade, XLR inputs and upgraded RCA inputs were added. My Vandersteen 5's are equipped with the balanced XLR-type high-pass filters.

Side Bar: Does everyone's filters at the amp end feature the Audioquest Amazon cable? And, does anyone consider that a limitation visa vis the IC you are using between the linestage/preampand the filters?

I am in the market for a tube or passive linestage to mate with the DNA-225. I could "limit" myself to a linestage with balanced outputs, or consider single-ended, as well. If I go single-ended output, I would require single-ended high-pass filters, however, and would likely seek a filter with a discrete 10KOhm setting to match the input impedance of the DNA-225, thereby dispensing with the dip switch arrangement altogether. As such, I was wondering the experience of others using the XLR or RCA filters.

Machine's comments are very interesting given that Bob Crump recommends using the balanced connections with the JC-1. Yet, Machine reports excellent results using RCA. Interesting because I was also giving consideration to a CJ linestage in my system.
To add to 4yanx last comment, I can't tell a difference between XLR and RCA connections with my fully-balanced Classe CP50 preamp and McIntosh 7200 amp. I used to be disappointed that CJ didn't use XLR but at this point, I think it doesn't really matter. Perhaps if the interconnects have to be 40 feet long it would. Arthur