Von Schweikert VR4JR Set Up

I just took delivery of a pair of VR4JRs last Saturday and am having difficultly getting the "wall" of pink noise described in the manual. They have about 100 hours break in at low to medium levels.

My thought is they may not be broken in enough to try to set them up at this point although that may not be correct.

My room is 14x12x7. Speakers are 8' apart on the long wall. Placement is 1.5' from back wall, 2.5' from right side and about 7' from left wall (room is irregular shaped). Listening seat is 8' from speakers.

Any help would be appreciated even if it is to wait until the speakers are further broken in.
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Thank you, Tvad. I will try to find Stereophile CD, and I do have Robert Harley's book, which I actually used to place speakers.
I suggest you send Dr. Albert Von Schweikert an email. He is known to personally answer e-mails and phone calls from his customers. He is very helpful in setting-up speaker placement. Just let him know the dimensions of your room, and where your listening position is. I guess it would be beneficial to let him know where the chairs are and whatever furniture is in place too.

I too just brought my VR4jr home, but am rather restricted in its placement. But considering, they have imaged well and sound great with just 100 hours put in. I'm sure they'll only get better. Good luck.