Jazz-suited speakers for an Arcam amp?

With a new baby in the house a few months from crawling, I am going to floorstanders from my current B&W 602 s3's with sub (coming soon to a "classified" near you). Figuring I can do better used than new, I am trying narrow what I should consider. But since I can't really audition used equipment, I hope to rely on current owners'/listener's input.

I have an Arcam AVR200 integrated and a Music Hall mmf-7. I also have a pre-historic Panasonic changer that I hope to update sometime soon. I am running Kimber 8PR bi-wire cables for now. Most of my listening is Jazz/soul, so plenty of vocals, piano, horns, and bass. I'm not real clear on the terminology the serious folks here use, but I like a natural sound, as if the performance were live; not smoothed or accentuated (warm or bright?). I will not run a sub until I set up a full HT system, so I would like something that can go low. Max limit is $1500.

After reading around, I have pretty much gotten it to Soliloquy 5.3's
Von Scweikert VR2's
Tyler Freedom's (new) or Linbrook (Used).

I am leaning hard toward the Von's. It's a beautiful speaker, great reviews on the sound - especially the bass - and loaded with shot or sand, it sounds like it would be pretty difficult for a toddler (or clumsy addult) to knock over.

All input welcome and appreciated.
If you are talking about floor standing Linbrooks I wouldn't hesitate for a second. But, the monitors would work if you weight down the stand. These are great speakers for the money and neither difficult to drive or place. I just broke in a pair of Linbrook Sig Systems and am very please with the result. My point of comparison is with speakers a bit further up the food chain than either of the other speakers you mention. FWIW.
I think the eminent Techology's are great jazz speakers. I purchased them last year (used around $800) and for jazz and vocals they are superb. I have some issues on material that is more dynamic, i.e. rock but for jazz they are amazingly transparent.
I thought I would add some room dimensions, and maybe get more responses. The listening room is approx 11x20x8, but it is L-shaped with a 10x10 dining area that merges to one end of the room. I place the speakers on the narrow wall away from the dining area, pointed at that end of the room. We will probably move in 1 or 2 years, so what ever I buy has to be able to work in a slightly smaller or slightly larger space.

Now I am also considering Paradigm Studio 100's.

Thanks for any input.