Thiel CS6 to Von Schweikert VR4 JR - Am i Crazy?

I am considering switching from by current Thiels to the VSAs. While the selling price new is much more for the Thiels, I bought them used for about the same price as the VSAs are new so it would be about a wash financially.

My goal would be to improve the soundstage (I don't get much depth out of the Thiels), warm up the mids and highs without losing extension, have powerful bass, and have a smaller cabinet. From what I have read (I have not heard yet) the VSAs seem to be strong in these categories.

Does anyone think this would be a reasonable or crazy change?

Assoc gear: Naim pre w/Hicap, McCormack dna2dlx amp, Nottingham Horizon, Pioneer Elite SACD/Dvd-A
i agree w/ the others. mod or try another source first before dumping the speakers. stock elite players aren't known for excellent audio quality.
Yes, you are crazy. Thiel 6.0 is among the best speakers I have ever heard. Maybe you really should change first the source, as Tvad said. I dont know McCormack, but I heard Thiel with Pass 250, and that combination might provide what you are after. Kimber cables also might warm up the system. Alternatively, I would suggest to look after a used wilson benesch act I. That more or less able to provide what you are after, although it has less bass extension and less treble energy than the thiel. I have only heard the vr-4junior with BAT electronics. That system was a bit muddy and slow. I really think that that step would be a majpr step backward.
Before changing anything you should experiment with speaker/listener placement paying particular attention to speaker toe-in. Moving the speakers further into the room might help with the soundstage depth issue. Alternatively, a good tube parametric EQ (Manley, EAR) will also accomplish what you seek.

BTW, due to their cabinet shapes the VR4 Jr. will look much larger in most rooms than the Thiel.
I have put better (Naim, Arcam, Ayre) digital sources into the system and have only seen slight improvements that I would not pay the thousands of dollars to achieve. I primarily listen to vinyl now anyway and that has proven to be a better source than the pioneer. I still believe that the speakers (and how they interact in the room) have by far the most impact on the sound of a system. (assuming decent source and amplifiers)

That is why I am considering changing the Thiels. I just don't seem to be getting that magical enveloping sound I am hoping for. I have been reading many positive comments on the VSAs and thought they would be worth an audition. I have moved them around (within the tolerable parameters) and tried cables. Don't get me wrong, it sounds good. i just would like to try to take it up a notch in the areas I mentioned and think that a different speaker might be worth trying.
Thiels are a double edged sword. They will reveal any flaws in the equipment upstream. Any minor change(s) in the system with Thiels can yield significant results (good or bad). However, if you spend the time with proper speaker placement you will be richly rewarded. If you get to much side wall reflection then a little toe-in will be beneficial. If you have plenty of space between the speakers and the wall then the Thiels generally sound best without any toe-in.
I would also follow the suggestions above to look for a another cdp. I had some of the more expensive Sony's with my Thiels and it was simular to what you are experiencing. The Modwright would bring some warmth to your system. Or a tube pre amp. It is more expensive to add warmth to your system this way than with cables but you will have much better results. I use a Pass amp but others have had great success with Classe and Mac.
I agree with the above posts that it would be a step backward to dump the CS6 for VR4 JR.