Hi Audiofire,
Using a pointed spike will couple the subwoofer to the floor. This will send extra unwanted vibration towards the equipment rack which is not desireable. Adding mass will couple the subwoofer/spikes more firmly to the floor which will accentaute the problem. Decoupling the subwoofer correctly will be the best method.
Please see this link for more information: LINK
Best Regards,
Barry Kohan
Disclaimer: I am a manufacturer of vibration control products.
Using a pointed spike will couple the subwoofer to the floor. This will send extra unwanted vibration towards the equipment rack which is not desireable. Adding mass will couple the subwoofer/spikes more firmly to the floor which will accentaute the problem. Decoupling the subwoofer correctly will be the best method.
Please see this link for more information: LINK
Best Regards,
Barry Kohan
Disclaimer: I am a manufacturer of vibration control products.