Sound lab - Eminent Technology - Innersound

I don't have a truckload of cash so I can't afford the large Sound Labs.

Does anyone have first hand experience with the S L Dynastat? If so, how do they compare to the ET's LFT-VIIIa's or Innersound Eros MK II?

Also, anyone have experience with Sound Lab's center channel, the Marquee, in a two (L&R) or three (L&R&C) setup?

I was thinking multiple Marquee's would capture the magic of Sound Lab in a small home theater setup.

Thank You
Hello Sedona,

I sell SoundLABs and used to own Dynastats, have some experience with InnerSounds, and have only heard Eminience Technology speakers under show conditions. To me the ET's didn't have the articulation of the electrostats, but then most speakers don't.

The main difference between the InnerSounds and Sound Labs is the wider pattern (and hence wider sweet spot) of the Sound Labs vs. the narrow pattern (with superb imaging for one) and tighter bass of the InnerSounds.

I gather that you're looking at home theater options, in which case the wide radiation pattern (and hence wide sweet spot) of the Dynastats might make more sense.

The Marquee is a decent center channel, but I don't think it would be competition for the Dynastat as left and right speakers for music. A pair of Marquees retails for almost as much as a pair of Dynastats. Personally, I'd pick two Dynastats over three Marquees. The Marquee is not a dipole, and the electrostatic element it uses isn't as good as the large dipole panels. The Marquee's three square elements are angled to give reasonably broad coverage in the horizontal plane, but they are beamy in the vertical plane. The crossover is fairly high - about 1 kHz. The Dynastat crosses over at 250 Hz, and its electrostatic panel is tall enough to give good vertical coverage, while horizontally it gives uniform coverage over a 60 degree arc.

I hope this helps - let me know if you have any other questions.

Best of luck in your quest,

I agree with Audiokinesis. Three Marquee's is probably a bad idea. I tried to tweek a theater that had 3 5000c Meridian center channel speakers in the same configuration. It never sounded good no matter what I did. You have the right idea matching all your speakers, but sideways center channel speakers, in general, are a sonic compromise. Two Dynastats would be a better choice.

ET's are very directional, although they do a great job at their price point if you are IN the listening position. Move above or below the small ribbon and the highs roll off considerably. For a dedicated listening room on a budget they work well.

If you want some dynamics with wide dispersion electrostatic top end in a smaller package, you might look at some used Gallo Solo or Reference II's or III's.

I sold SoundLab, ET, Gallo and Meridian.
Another helpful post from a great guy and a conscientious dealer, all wrapped up in one. Thanks for setting the example Duke : ) Sean
As a Sound Lab owner and dealer, I agree using multiple Marquees would not be satifactory. I suggest finding the space for at least a pair of Dynastats. The other speakers mentioned beam significantly due to their flat panels, which may be a major issue for when more than one listener is present. Bass is another consideration: the ETs might be very thin sounding for use in a home theater system without subwoofers.
