Monitors under $1500?

Many of you are helping me make the transition from consumer gear to separates. For that I am greatly appreciative.

I find myself, however, all over the board with respect to speakers. I remember the many pairs of monitor-sized speakers I've owned in the past (none of any truly notable lineage) and was wondering which monitors I should be considering as stepups. I've read about Spendor, Linn, Paradigm (Reference/S), Dynaudio, DefTech, etc. Don't really know much about the mid-end of the monitor spectrum.

Would any of you care to make some suggestions in the $1250-$1500 bracket, new and/or *lightly* used?

Thanks in advance!
unless your space is extremely confined, buy midsized full range or tower speakers. there great values out there and you get greater satisfaction from a wider variety of music. imaging is one thing but weight is something even great great monitors can't fake
Linn Katans; apart from being dynamic and extremely accurate from the outset, they offer what few other monitors do... scalability. Katans make a quantum leap when they go from passive to active configuration... you can start with a passive system and slowly add... first a sub to fill in the base and eventually active amps. I started out several years ago with Katans and rotel amps. Over the years things have come and gone (eventually settling on an all Linn system), but the one thing constant has been the monitors.
I agree with Jay douglas. If you intend to put monitors on stands they will take up the same floor space as full range speakers. I set up a small listening using monitors on stands but always felt something was missing. Weight is a good word to describe the missing element with monitors, air is another word. Those qualities are difficult for monitors. Good luck.
The nice thing about Green Mountain Audio is that their speakers, large or small have "weight", fill a room with a huge sound stage, have great mids and highs and the bass you can feel. Read the forums. I've had several full range speakers that could not come close. Green Mountain Audio is about the music. Enjoy!