Monitors under $1500?

Many of you are helping me make the transition from consumer gear to separates. For that I am greatly appreciative.

I find myself, however, all over the board with respect to speakers. I remember the many pairs of monitor-sized speakers I've owned in the past (none of any truly notable lineage) and was wondering which monitors I should be considering as stepups. I've read about Spendor, Linn, Paradigm (Reference/S), Dynaudio, DefTech, etc. Don't really know much about the mid-end of the monitor spectrum.

Would any of you care to make some suggestions in the $1250-$1500 bracket, new and/or *lightly* used?

Thanks in advance!
if you can find them....the samll but mighty celestion 700 se...

very, very, special speaker that can still hold it own againest new designs...

I have owned a number of mini-monitors: Totem, Linn, Quad, Spendor, and heard several others. While each of these has its advantages and disadvantages, my favorite, and the one I still own, is the Spendor S3/5. However, ... if you want something that has a more "exciting," rather than to my ear natural sound, these are not for you. Also, forget about low bass unless you intend to get a sub. I briefly heard the older Harbeth years ago and was impressed, but haven't heard the new one so can't comment on it. Also, associated equipment, room and music preference will make a big difference in which one you might prefer.

Amphion has $1,295 speaker amazingly low distortion and was Soundstage award winner.