My system suggestions on improving bass - Totem

Hey there!

I just have a question to ask you guys regarding improving the overall sound, specifically with bass with my system as follows:

Musical Fidelity A3.2 Integrated
Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD Player
Musical Fidelity x-10v3 Tube stage
Totem Acoustic Hawk
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun
Nordost Red Dawn Interconnects

If you guys could please provide with me any comments or suggestions on which equipment I should add/replace, or possibly adding a subwoofer, please do so! Don't be shy to be blunt with criticisms or comments - they are all welcome! My budget is around $1000+ for improving the system, but I would like to spend as little as possible.

thank you for all your help in advance!
-Matthew Dunko
I've B&W CDM9nt's. With a Velodyne DD-12 it was a nice improvement in bass. However, with the DD-18 I moved up to, it is now astonising. What that sub adds to the soundstage is amazing and that is just for vinyl. My system is pretty modest and the sub retails for quite a bit more then the speakers but it has rounded everything out just right, for me at least. The quality of these Digital Drive series and their built-in equalization sofware complete with mic to analyze your room should floor you. Try one (the bigger the better). They've even balanced inputs.

BTW... to the kid up above Rich (Rar1), I got quite the frowny face from my bride of 24 years when I told her I was upgrading the 12" sub to the 18" monster. Basically just WAF stuff. But since the moment it was fired up in our system she still marvels at the added bass and never even mentioned taking it out (something I promised her if she didn't like the upgrade) We never knew about the 'Over 45' Bass Rule and between us we're 117 years old. I'm glad we didn't!
I added a Rel Storm III to my Totem Sttaf's about 6 montths ago when I was seeking more bottom end. It integrates perfectly and they are entirely new - incredible sounding.

I know the Sttafs aren't Hawks, but if you move them closer to the wall the imaging may suffer. That was my experience anyway.
Ben & Valinar:

Just a little levity about hearing loss gentlemen. The "over 45" remark was to set-up the anecedote about my buddy's and my experiences at the show.

My conversation with my buddy was getting to ... I no longer listen for the same things in sound reproduction that I did 25 or 30 years ago. And that is not to say that I no longer listen for accurate sound reproduction. But, the same things that I listened for 25 years ago are not necesarily the things that I listen for today. My musical tastes are certainly not the same and overpowering bass is not that important to me any more. I also happen to live in a 2 bedroom apartment with neighbors to the right, left, up, and down ... so, sub-woofers or extra deep bass that would lead to walls and floors vibrating is out of the question.

So, there were no disses intended.

Regards, Rich
I have the MF A3.2 integrated & CD paired with the Totem Hawks and a REL Storm III. The Storm integrates well with the Hawks and adds just enough to the bottom end. I purchased the Storm for around $900.
you have a couple different options..

sub- add a used rel

cables- xlo signature 2 interconnect- very neutral and incredible bass

speaker cables- the satori and a little bland imo. it is not a bad cable but a little closed off at both frequency extremes. would consider cardas neutral reference, xlo signature, or synergistic.

power cables - i have had really good success with the audience cables (power cables make a hugh difference)