why spikes under speakers???

could you guys educate me about the use or need for spikes under speakers, it seems to me that putting an air pocket under a speaker would be the last thing you want to do, isnt bas about pressure? and if you put a gap of air between speakers and floor arent you losing some of what makes bass work? I am not claiming this to be bad, I simply want to pose my questions about this concept and get educated on why this is a good idea, and when it may not be a good idea...thanks
First Law....You can't win.

Second Law...You can't break even.

Vibration must be converted to heat in some damping medium. If you "drain" vibration to the earth, you are contributing to global warming. Shame!
I have to stop you fellows.

Spikes "do not" drain anything. They simply act as mechanical couplers.

If a speaker is "reacting" to its drivers by vibrating, then the spikes will couple the cabinet with the larger mass (the floor) and reduce the reaction from the drivers, by adding that mass.

It is that simple. All this mumbo jumbo about shape of the cone, and metallurgy and such is "mish mash".

Spikes are NOT Drains, for they don't "drain" anything.

They simply make it more difficult for the drivers to have a reactive (force) effect on the cabinet.

These long thermodynamic answers are making me dizzy, their so full of mis-information and mis-interpretation.
Everybody can have it their own way.
I don't care anymore.
Do your circle game and have fun.
I don't have any more discussion in me.
Good bye.
Ok, maybe 'drain' was the wrong word, 'transfer' might be more accurate. Please take a minute to consider this experience I had.
A friend had a TT that had three relatively flat aluminum cones that served as feet. The flat side makes contact with the flat bottom of the turntable. The turntable sits an a welded target stand. He put on a classical lp and during a loud passage that had a lot of bass the cartridge mistracked. He said, "that never happened before". I checked the cone footers and found that he had absentmindedly put them facing up, not down. We flipped them over and replayed the passage. Of course the tracking problems were gone. You could feel with your fingers a huge difference when you touched the TT base. We removed the cones and placed the TT on a folded over towel and tried it again. We could feel more vibration in the TT base than when the cones were under it (correctly).
This (unscientific) experiment suggests to me that the cones do more than isolate the TT base, they 'transfer' the 'airborn' vibration that the base was picking up from the music to the target stand. After seeing that the TT would mistrack when the cones were upside down, and not when the TT sat on a towel, it would be hard to argue that the cones were not 'transfering' energy from the stand to the TT base.
I dont understand why it is so hard to imagine that it is possible for vibration to be transfered from one object to another. If its just 'isolation' thats taking place, where does the energy go?
Hey TWL has left the game and thats a bad thing .... Eat beans and gather round the campfire and continue the storytelling..I'm leaving before the swamp gas rises anymore. Regards..the other Tom