Irving Bud Fried has died

I just read on another forum that Bud Fried has passed away. He will definetely be missed.
I have a pair of Bud's Beta IV's. They are very interesting. Strangely, when I first got them the crossovers weren't even matched. I called the Fried factory and was told that the manufacturing had been farmed out to some set of wackos that seemed to be attempting to create thier own variation on Bud's work. I was sent the parts for the creation of Bud's Mars network, which was an improvement on what I had. I talked to Bud on the phone a few times during this and ended up with a few loooonnnggg conversations about where the research was going on the speakers.
Having installed the new crossovers and finding them an improvement, I pretty much lost touch with the Fried company until one of the speakers fell off it's stand and cracked the front faceplate on the tweeter. Since it was Delrin, nothing known to man will glue to it, however it was simple to push the pieces back together and screw it back on and it works fine-you can't even tell it was damaged since the dome was unhurt. However, I found that there is no support I know of for Bud's older products. The new company he formed was supposedly coming out with a new minimonitor like my beta's-for $3000. Odd since my beta's sounded great and only listed in 1998 for $500. I got mine as a demo pair for $329. Too bad you get so little speaker for that kind of money these days. I have gone out and listened to a lot of speakers trying to find replacements for the Frieds but haven't found much that I like. Maybe some tannoy system 15's (only $3700) will be my next speaker.
Your comments are not lost on me, I appreciate all input, as the goal is to serve the community at large, and being as involved as I am with the internet discussion forums and seeing myself as a true audiophile, I strive to be an advocate for the outside world. Everyone is free to say anything, and I can assure you, these comments will not fall on deaf ears, they go straight to the CEO - Dr. Jonathan Raines.

I believe when Bud initially retired long ago, quality took a serious step down. In fact, other mistakes, which I am aware of, took place. Eventually, the company folded. But, those of us who believe strongly in carrying on the legacy of all that Bud laid forth have resurrected Fried.

Personally, I have been pushing as hard as I can for us to reach downward towards a more accessible entry point for the loudspeakers, and feel strongly that the Beta should be reintroduced. I am thinking that the $750 - $1200 price point is where they would come in. Bud supported me in this. Dr. Raines does not want to cheapen the brand by making anything but the best we can make, and feels just as strongly that true transmission line loudspeakers is all that we should be manufacturing. The Beta was an aperiodically loaded loudspeaker, while excellent (another of Bud's great ideas, which he found to sound better than the sealed and ported versions tried), is no match for the TL (which Bud discovered, and then morphed the C/3 into the C/3L). The good news is that a compromise has been reached, and there will be a new minimonitor (with true transmission line midwoofer loading and series crossover - who else is doing that?!?), which you alluded to. The price will NOT be $3000, it will be $1750. My hope is that the parts, build, and finish quality will make most audiophiles happy.

Interestingly enough, a lot of people who have owned Frieds have an extremely tough time finding a speaker to replace them. A lot of other speakers simply will not satisfy a Fried owner. I have found myself in the same boat, and more than understand. Late last year, I was profoundly blessed to the point where Bud gave to me his own longtime reference loudspeakers (Valhalla System - C sats, but with 10" O subs not the 8" D subs, and everything tweaked to the max), believe me, I find them in many ways to be the finest speakers I have heard. Our goal is to finally provide such an alternative as it is past time for a lot of these speakers to be replaced - they have outlived their useful lifespans.

I am but a bit player, and have little to gain from "selling" speakers here or anywhere, my goal is to keep always the legacy of Bud as I honestly hold the man in my heart with the truest love and respect. While I do not call the shots, so long as they will have me at Fried, I will put forth the opinions of myself and all of us here to try to provide the community with the kind of product we all hope manufacturers will provide to us in the quest for, in Bud's own words, "The true reproduction of sound and music in the home."
Trelja (Joe),
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you, God Bless.
It is saddening when we lose a wonderful person.
Surely, his great work, kindness & legacy will be remembered and carried on with us & later generations.