What I did was move my speakers around until I got them dialed in right ( distance away from walls, correct toe-in, height of speaker etc.). The height is important because with the SP-101 they will be elevated at least 3". Once you have the spot located where the speakers will go run tape along the inside edge and back edge of the speaker putting the tape on the floor.Once both speakers are outlined with tape put wood under the speaker bases to get the minimum height of 3". Listen to your system and see if this is to your liken. The height of your speakers will ultimately depend on the height of your listening chair and your height. The taller you are in the listening position the higher the speaker can be raised. Add another thickness of wood block to raise it up another 1" or so and listen. Once you find the correct height take the measurement. Remove the wood blocks from under your speakers. Pull the speakers to the side and put the SP-101 in their place. Put the wood blocks under the SP-101 to give it the desired height. You will have to take into account the height of the Audiopoint. So obviously if the Audiopoint is 1.5" and you liked 4" of height you will need 2.5" of wood block under SP-101 to set the height. Next measure the width and depth of your speaker base and set the Audiopoint (pointing up into the speaker) the correct distance. Position the SP-101 over the tape outline and line it up with the Audiopoints. I use 1/2" wide tape and set the Audiopoints to the inside of the tape edge. If done correctly the points will be 1/2" from the base edge of your speaker giving you the best effect. Have at least two people ( in your case because of the weight) lift the speakers onto the SP-101.Line the speakers up with the tape on the floor. You may have to make adjustments but it will be minimal. I strongly suggest that before positioning your speakers on the SP-101 make sore that is the position you will keep them at. If you have never used the SP-101 let me say I have them under every piece of gear I own and they are well worth what you paid for them.