Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?

Just curious. People have asked about watches,
cigars, beer, and even ones income here.

1: What do you drive (daily & weekends)?
2: What might you be driving in the future?
3: What would you drive if $$$ was no object (pick 2 ;-)?

My answers to the above:
1: Toyota truck.
2: Newer Toyota truck.
3: Lamborghini Murcielago & McLaren F1.
Clueless and Jla, I too used to bike race. Time trials mostly. I rode Bianchi. First a Rekord 748 with Campagnolo Nuovo Record gruppo, some Gipiemme stuff, and Nisi wheels. Next a Bianchi Superleggera, all Campagnolo Super Record gruppo and accessories, Nisi wheels. This was back when Chrome-Moly ruled. Loved the ride of that Columbus tubing, and nothing beats cotton tubulars for rubber. Haven't been on a bike for the last 17 years. Used to ride 30 miles a day, with Century(100 mile) rides on weekends.
whatever your daily, money-no-option choice is please, DRIVE IT SAFE.
i prefere new Kenworth for money-no-option on that behalf.
Twl....Gipiemme, Nisi, Nuevo Record....haven't heard those names in a long time. Now it is carbon fibre, titanium and ultralite clinchers. I am surprised how many AudiogoN members are cyclists....good to know.
...and yes, Onhwy61, I feel much safer driving in my NY than in any suburb. I might get cuttoff by a cab, i might be passed on the right but I almost never see anything sudden there and I'm always aware, calm and cool... My LA friend wondered to my ability not to pay attention to messy drivers and high density traffic. He said that he would've used his middle finger many many times already.
I used to drive for limousine service(the last my driving job was at Music Express) and i managed not to get neither traffic violations nor accidents for a hundreds of thousands miles i've roded back then.