What to buy

I am finally getting my own listening room and looking to upgrade my speakers.My room is 17'x13'x11' with french doors on one 17' wall. Somewhat of a bass junkie with a strong affection for the female voice. Looking to spend between 4-5k. Live in Houston where the selection of high end is exceptionally limited. Need some suggestions
Present speakers are NHT VT-2s. Front end is presently Acurus A-250 amp,Acurus SL-11 preamp and Acurus cd.
Run don't walk to Usher. They're somewhere in Texas. Tell'em Robert Hart sent you.
I would replace the speakers. If you like lotsa bass try something like the Von Schweikert VR-3 or VR-4. Keep the Acurus stuff even if it just gets relegated to second system status.
Go to Audio Concepts at Greenbriar and 59. They handle Vandersteen and Magnepan among others. Sounds like you may want to try the Vandersteen 3a Signature.

Also, SoundWorld on Bissonet handles Focal JM and Paradigm. The Paradigm Sigs are just ridiculous.

Good luck.