B&W 804s or 703s?

Hi. I have never posted before, but have owned smaller B&Ws for nearly 5 years now.

Due to a move, it is time to upgrade to bigger speakers.

I can get both the (old) N804 or the (new) 703 for about the same price from a local dealer. I am concerned about the lack of bass on the N804, but I believe it is considered to be a better all around speaker. I listened to the 703s and really like them, too.

I like both. Please help with your opinions. I am using a Sony 777ES amp for now, with a 777ES cd/dvd player. My usage is evenly split between home theatre and 2 channel audio, although quality of 2 channel audio is much, much more important to me than home theatre. (I know either speaker will do well with stupid home theatre use).

Your opinions will be appreciated. Thank you.
I haven’t heard the 703s but I own pair of 804s now for about two years. I find them very neutral, transparent and incisive with a slightly tip up high end that sounds very refined and detailed particularly when feed with good quality electronics and recordings. I don’t find them bass shy. I suspect this perception is due to their lack of mid bass bloom and neutral character. However when partnered with a good quality (high current) amp the 804s really blossom with surprising bass extension and weight that matches the agility and natural clarity of its mids and highs.

When I first bought the 804s I owned a Rotel RB1090 power amp (380w/ch) and was impressed how the 804s expressed the full body sound of this amp. However when I recently upgraded to a pair of Jeff Rowland 201 mono blocks (250w/ch)and a Wadia 301 CD player not only did I hear how much more refined and musical these devices are but also how much more capable and deserving these speakers are of high standard partnering equipment. Like most of the B&W range they are well made and look pretty good too.
The choice is simple....non of them. i made the mistake a few years ago but I still hear that metalic ringing in my ears.
Henryk, thanks for your thoughtful, well written post. It added a lot, I'm sure the person inquiring appreciates it.

James, if you have the option, try and audition both in your room. I've always thought the Nautilus line was quite a bit better than the 700 series. The other thing to consider is that if you buy now, and deicde to sell and upgrade later, the 804's will have a higher resale value.