It's sort of meandering about. I sorta like it.
Tubes for a bit, then music servers, now a bit on AC wiring. All good. And I'm learning a lot with each wandering.
I'm still cooking my Esoteric K01 so nothing to report until it's done. I'm happy to see the thread finds interesting things to fill the voids in time. The K01 will be done next Monday, 11/24. I will then compare the ODSE to the K01 as an independent DAC as well as compare the Mac/ODSE vs a red book cd played on the K01 - obviously with the same exact recordings (ripped CD file compared to CD itself)
I do have a local guy who can get the Allnic DAC into my room; he's also providing my Vicoustics treatments. And I just may have found a new dealer to work with who, I hope, can get me the Aesthetix Romulus Signature you all have been requesting I hear. I'll keep you updated on all of that as well.
But with a room build in progress, I'd rather wait for the Romulus and Allnic until my room is done.
I swear, Melbguy1, I haven't lost site of the topic. But my search is slow and methodical. And burn in chews up weeks at a time....
I will say that I am not (currently) pursuing the new Berkely top dog DAC since it lacks USB input.
Tubes for a bit, then music servers, now a bit on AC wiring. All good. And I'm learning a lot with each wandering.
I'm still cooking my Esoteric K01 so nothing to report until it's done. I'm happy to see the thread finds interesting things to fill the voids in time. The K01 will be done next Monday, 11/24. I will then compare the ODSE to the K01 as an independent DAC as well as compare the Mac/ODSE vs a red book cd played on the K01 - obviously with the same exact recordings (ripped CD file compared to CD itself)
I do have a local guy who can get the Allnic DAC into my room; he's also providing my Vicoustics treatments. And I just may have found a new dealer to work with who, I hope, can get me the Aesthetix Romulus Signature you all have been requesting I hear. I'll keep you updated on all of that as well.
But with a room build in progress, I'd rather wait for the Romulus and Allnic until my room is done.
I swear, Melbguy1, I haven't lost site of the topic. But my search is slow and methodical. And burn in chews up weeks at a time....
I will say that I am not (currently) pursuing the new Berkely top dog DAC since it lacks USB input.