CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7

I am considering to by me Watt/Puppy 6 or 7. I dont know which amlifier would be better with this speakers- CAT JL-2 Mk2(JL-3) or Lamm M1.2(1.1),ML1.1, ML2.1 ?
Can someone tell me the difference?
The cables are Transparent audio Reference XL(MM), source Kuzma Stabi Reference with Airline.Preamplifier probably the same brand as power amplifiers.
My music taste: most classic music,jazz and then some rock...
I prefer complexity , texture, neutrality and dinamics(macro and micro) within airie sounstage- but most important it must be music!
Thank you.
Thanks Raquel.
Bob, the CAT amplifiers dont have balanced inputs?! I am I right?
So I suppose you used RCA interconnects between Lamm L2 and JL-1. What would you say- which is the max. lenght for rca-interconnects if I put them between JL-2 and Lamm L2 preamp and not lose any quality in signal?
Schorly, you are correct about the CAT amps accommodating only single-ended interconnects. For that matter, while the Lamm L2 includes balanced outputs, it is inherently a single-ended design. I had excellent results when running my Lamm L2 into the CAT amps using a 35-foot pair of Transparent interconnects.

I don't have any technical expertise regarding just how long your interconnects can be before you will begin to hear a degradation of signal quality. I know at least one golden-eared member of our community who indicates he can hear the inherent degradation in sound quality whenever interconnects exceed five or six feet in length. On the other hand, conventional wisdom says that single-ended interconnects are essentially as good as balanced interconnects all the way up to about 50 feet of length.

I should also note that the Lamm L2 is a solid state preamp (the tubes are in the power supply), and it features a low (150 ohm) output impedance. As such, it can drive just about any amp and any cable at very long lengths. Nonetheless, regardless of which components you ultimately choose and regardless of whether you run balanced or single-ended cables, it is only common sense to keep your interconnects to as short a length as can practically be accommodated in your listening room set-up.
I will need approxima. 20-foot(5m) interconnnect for my sistem. From your words I sum there will be no problems do it this way.
Thank you.
Schorly: I use a 25' MIT 350 EVO cable from an Aesthetix Callisto to the CAT amps and this too works very well. For awhile I used a 14' NBS Statement with an XLR-to-RCA adaptor into the CAT but of course only one of the phases of the Callisto's balanced output was being used. This too worked out very well. I don't think there was an issue of cable length but rather a different sonic character between the two cables: a little more midrnage warmth with the NBS and a little more top-end resolution and openness with the MIT.

Bob: I assume you are in Cincinatti with your Audiogon member name. I wish we lived closer as I'd be so eager to lug over my amps so we could get an opportunity to hear the two models in one system.